

The name of this organization shall be the Carlsbad Democrats (also referred to as “Club”).


This Club shall foster democratic ideas by stimulating active interest in the Democratic Party, supporting the party platform, and contributing to party leadership and responsibility. The Club shall provide a constructive role for the volunteers in Democratic Party politics, support elections of Democratic candidates, and promote an activist base in social, racial, and environmental justice. The Club shall advocate and promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).



Membership is open to all registered Democrats. Every person eligible to be a member of the Carlsbad Democrats who has paid annual dues timely is a member in good standing. Members in good standing shall be eligible for voting membership. Registered NPP (No Party Preference) can join however they will not be able to vote on club business including endorsements. They are non-voting members.


Only eligible members in good standing who have attended at least one meeting in the last six (6) months may vote in person or electronic means, according to procedures established by the Executive Board.

Voting rights of new members begin 30 days after payment of dues and five days after renewal thereafter. No proxy voting shall be permitted.


Section 3.3.1 – Dues in an amount set by the Executive Board, and are payable upon joining the Club and shall be renewed at the beginning of each year thereafter and no later than January 31. Memberships paid at or after October 1st will remain valid through the following calendar year. Dues can be waived by the Executive Board upon financial waiver.


The members shall advise Club officers of the resources, needs, problems, and conditions that exist in the area served by the Club. The members shall promote the growth of the Club, carry on its purposes and have general charges of its affairs and assets. Members shall adhere to the CA State Party code of conduct and support the CA State Party platform.


Any Member whose actions are judged to be prejudicial or detrimental to the Club or in violation of the Club’s Code of Conduct by a majority of the Executive Board may be expelled from membership . A Committee can be formed including all of the E-Board members to evaluate the situation. If such an action is being considered, the President or the President’s designee, shall contact the individual with the express intent of informing the person that expulsion is being considered and attempt to negotiate agreement that the actions shall cease and desist. Provided that no agreement is reached, notification of the impending action shall be sent via registered mail or electronic mail to the Member subject of the removal at least seven (7) days before the meeting.


Democrats whose annual dues are currently paid, or had waived, shall be considered a member in good standing. Any member whose actions are judged to be prejudicial or detrimental to the club by the Executive Board may be expelled from membership by a two thirds vote at any general meeting, at which a quorum exists, concurs.



Only registered Democrats may serve as officers who are in good standing for at least 30 days prior to election. The President, the Vice President, Director of Communication, Secretary, Director of Finance, Director of Membership, Director of PAC, and Director of Community Service shall be elected by the Club members according to Article III Section 4 of the Bylaws. The office shall have staggered terms of two years each, with the President, Secretary, Director of PAC, and Director of Communication elected in odd-numbered years. The Vice President, Director of Finance, Director of Membership, and Director of Community Service in even-numbered years. Elected officers shall not serve more than three consecutive two-year terms in one office.


Section 4.2.1 – President – Responsibilities of the President

The President shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Preside over all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board or delegate to other E-Board members.

Establish meeting agendas by collaborating with other E-board members..

Represent the Club in the State and County Democratic Parties and community organizations such as Council of Clubs and North Coastal Caucus.

Make appointments to other positions as required.

Act as the sole spokesperson of the Club unless otherwise delegated.

Stimulate active interest in the political process.

Provide a constructive role for the active volunteers.

Contribute to effective leadership and individual responsibility.

Promote harmony among the Club members, between other clubs and within the San Diego County Democratic Party (SDCDP).

Lead by examples to be civil, trustworthy, respectful, collaborative, and willing to delegate.

Pre-approve any written correspondence on behalf of the Club.

Attend the Council of Clubs, North Coastal Caucus meetings or delegate this task to others.

Establish standing committees as needed (Nominating, and etc.)

Section 4.2.2 – Vice-President

The Vice-President shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Serve in collaborative partnership with the President and perform all duties of the President if the President is not able to fulfill the duties as stated in the bylaws or is temporarily unavailable.

Act as the Program Chair to plan programs and arrange speakers at the monthly meetings.

Make recommendations on issues upon which the Club shall act or bring focus.

Ensure programming includes educating and addressing the climate crisis.

Serve as the Audit Committee Chair to conduct annual audits as needed.

Section 4.2.3 – Director of Communication

The Director of Communication shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Maintain the Club’s website and social media accounts as appropriate.

Send out email notices in advance of meetings.

Collaborate with the President in shaping the Club’s message and preparing newsletters periodically.

Coordinate with the Director of Membership to ensure the Club’s email list is updated.

Set up and communicate Zoom meeting links as necessary.

Add to all notice, agenda, and minutes for business meetings or endorsement meetings.

Section 4.2.4 – Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Record the minutes of the General and Executive Board meetings.

Conduct correspondence at the direction of the President.

Maintain the Club’s records except for those in the charge of the Director of Finance.

Section 4.2.5 – Director of Finance

The Director of Finance shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Maintain the Club’s bank account and deposit of dues and other incomes timely.

Maintain an accurate record of Club receipts and expenditures.

Maintain the Club’s Post Office mailbox.

Issue checks and credit card payments authorized by the Executive Board and/or most members at Club meetings.

Provide a monthly written report of the Club’s financial status and financial records to the Executive Board and the Audit Committee when required.

Renew the Club Chartering.

File all required financial reports such as FPPC/FEC financial reports.

Create a budget for approval by the Executive Board and membership annually at the January meeting.

Maintain Club subscriptions and licenses of software systems and internet services including but not limited to website, domain name, and mailing system.

Section 4.2.6 – Director of Membership

The Director of Membership shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Serve as the chief credentialing officer at all general meetings and endorsement meetings.

Maintain the Club’s membership list.

Manage the registration table (with the Director of Finance) at Club meetings and events.

Notify the Executive Board on the status of member renewals.

Provide a monthly status report on Club membership to the Executive Board.

Add to all Club email lists.

Add to the Club Meeting notice email list.

Reach out and welcome new members.

Section 4.2.7 – Director of Political Action Committee (PAC)

The Director of PAC shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Establish working relationships with elected officials and Democratic candidates.

Lead the Club in conducting voter registration.

Collaborate with GO Team, San Diego County Democratic Party (SDCDP), and California Democratic Party (CDP) to assist in election activities and addressing political issues.

Lead the Club in phone banking, texting, canvassing to help elect Democratic candidates.

Establish processes and procedures to help identify and elect Democratic candidates.

Perform other political actions assigned by the Club President.

Section 4.2.8 – Director of Community Service

The Director of Community Service shall be responsible for fulfilling the following duties:

Lead the community service committee.

Identify community service activities for club members to engage.

Collaborate with other Democratic clubs and communities on community service activities.

Responsible for developing & providing communication to Club Communication Director/Secretary to market community service activities/opportunities via newsletter and social media.


The election of officers shall be held annually in February. In October, the Executive Board shall appoint three to five members to serve on the Nominating Committee, selecting at least one qualified candidate for each elective office. The nominating committee shall report their selections to the Executive Board no later than the December Executive Board meeting and present the candidates to the membership at the January General meeting. Notification of the election shall be given to all members as stated in Article V, Section 4. Nominations may then be taken from the floor. If, after all nominations are taken, and there remains only one qualified candidate for each elective office, the candidate may be elected on a voice vote. In this case, a motion to elect the full slate is also acceptable. If any elective office has more than one candidate, the election shall be held by show of hands or standing vote. The candidate receiving the majority of votes shall be declared elected. Suppose no majority is received on the first ballot. In that case, the two candidates receiving the most votes shall compete in a runoff, with the candidate receiving the most votes declared elected. Voting can occur electronically.


Should any officer resign or fail to attend three General Meetings or Executive Board meetings in a row without cause approved by the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall declare that office vacant and appoint a successor to that office to complete the remaining term. However, any such appointment shall be approved by the membership at the next General Meeting. Notification of the election shall be given to all members as stated in Article V, Section 4. At that meeting, nominations to fill the vacancy shall also be accepted from the floor. If there remains only one qualified candidate for each elective office after all nominations are taken, the candidate may be elected on a voice vote. If any elective office has more than one candidate, the election shall be held by show of hands or standing vote. The candidate receiving the majority of votes shall be declared elected. If no majority is received on the first ballot, the two candidates receiving the most votes shall compete in a runoff, with the candidate receiving the most votes declared elected.


The President may appoint a Parliamentarian or any other Officer not otherwise specified by these bylaws as required for the benefits of the Club.



The Club shall meet at least quarterly and meeting dates, times, and locations shall be provided to SDCDP at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting. Other General Meetings shall be held at such times and places as specified by the Executive Board. The goal of this Club shall be to have monthly meetings. If the Executive Board decides action by the membership is needed before the next General Meeting, a Special Meeting Notice shall be sent by any means practical at least 24 hours in advance. Such a meeting notice shall specify the topic, date, time, and location of the meeting.


A quorum at any General Meeting shall be ten percent (10%) of the members in good standing. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the then currently serving members.


This Club shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised in all instances not covered by these bylaws or those of the San Diego County Democratic Party or the California Democratic Party. The parliamentarian is not considered an “officer” of the organization and can be a non-member.


At least two weeks before a General Meeting, the following items shall be discussed and voted upon. The Executive Board shall notify the entire membership by email of the upcoming vote to be taken. The Club shall notify those members without email by U.S. mail or telephone. The notice to the membership shall include any topics to be discussed, including:

Proposed resolutions

Endorsements of candidates

Endorsements of ballot measures

Filling of any officers to the Executive Board during the calendar year

Proposed amendments to these bylaws

Annual election of officers

Such notice shall specify the time, place, and date of the General Meeting and describe the event



The Executive Board shall approve all expenditures and carry out the Club business between General Meetings consistent with actions taken at the General Meetings. The Executive Board shall decide the time and location of the General and Board Meetings, make recommendations to the Club at the General Meetings, and perform any other duties stated in these bylaws. The Executive Board can approve all expenses, including candidate or county fundraising donations up to and including $500. Sixty percent (60%) of the Club members must approve any donation amount over $500.

All E–Board members will lead by promoting an activist base in social, racial, and environmental justice. The E-board will encourage a diverse and inclusive culture. In addition, the duties are defined based on leadership role; however, the E-Board is to support collaboration among all positions. All of E-Board is responsible for exploring opportunities to connect with other organizations and communities to amplify the Club issues and liaison with organizations such as the Council of Clubs, NAACP, and AAPI and indigenous communities, further the Club’s interests.


Membership of the Executive Board shall include all of the currently elected Club officers, the then current Committee Chairs, and the Immediate Past President.


The Board shall meet to carry out the Club’s business at least six times per year or monthly at the discretion of the President. The President, or a majority of the Executive Board acting in the absence of the President, may call a special meeting with a 24 hours’ notice. A report of actions taken at any Special Executive Board Meeting shall be available at the next General Meeting.


The standing committees for the Club may include the following: Events, Historian, Hospitality, Technology Support/Records Management, Raffle, Phone Tree, Publicity, Voter Registration, Nomination, and Fundraising. The President shall appoint any other Chairs, or eliminate any Chairs specified by these bylaws as required for the general well-being of the Club with the agreement of the majority of the Executive Board.



A. All endorsements of candidates or resolutions concerning ballot measures or public issues must be following the standards established by the California State Democratic Party and the San Diego County Democratic Party. It is also the traditional and stated goal of the Club not to make endorsements or to pass resolutions that adversely affect the unity of the Democratic Party or the Club.

B. Only candidates who are registered Democrats are eligible for Club endorsement. Non-Democratic candidates may only be rated acceptable or unacceptable. The Club shall notify the entire membership by email of candidate endorsements, ballot measure endorsements, or a resolution proposal for consideration at least two weeks before the Club endorsement meeting. The Club shall notify those members without email by U.S. mail or telephone.


A. The Club shall invite all prospective Democratic candidates to the endorsement meeting and notify those candidates at least five (5) business days before the meeting. The Club shall provide those candidates details on the Club’s endorsement process. Club endorsements are not to be construed as SDCDP or CDP endorsements. Any publication shall delineate between endorsed and those rated as acceptable candidates.

B. Full membership shall be given notice of endorsement in a particular race or races at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting via email or alternative method for those without email.

C. At the endorsement meeting, all candidates or their surrogates shall be given a certain amount of time to speak. The amount of time shall be specified by the President or the person chairing the Club meeting.

D. The Club shall only conduct a secret ballot to determine who wins the endorsement. A “No Endorsement” option is required. The winning candidate must achieve at least 60% of the total votes cast by the members present at the endorsement meeting. Voting can happen electronically.

E. The Club shall hold a properly noticed endorsement meeting and have advised the county party of all endorsements no less than forty-eight hours before the North Coastal Area Caucus meeting. Documentation of the endorsement is required, such as the Club website or Facebook. The Club must complete the required Club Endorsement Form. The Club Endorsement Form is located at

F. A motion to endorse a state or county proposition or take a position on a public issue must achieve at least 60% of the total votes cast by the members present at the endorsement meeting. The quorum necessary to adopt a motion shall be 10% of the eligible voting members.


A. The Club shall consider Friendly incumbent endorsements for all incumbents who have a supportive voting record on relevant issues, as determined by the Executive Board.

B. A friendly incumbent endorsement may require incumbents to complete a questionnaire to assess their performance and goals. And the incumbent shall address the membership and take questions from them at an adequately noticed general meeting.



Club representatives to the California Democratic Party’s Pre-Endorsement Conferences shall be members in good standing. They shall be allocated as follows: one representative, resident in the Assembly District, for each full (not fraction thereof) twenty registered Democratic members in the Assembly District who are listed on a roster submitted, by July 1 of each odd-numbered year, to both the San Diego County Democratic Party and the appropriate CDP Regional Director(s). The roster shall be certified by the Club’s President, Vice President, Director of Communication, or Director of Finance. Representatives shall be equally apportioned between men and women to the extent possible.


Under the Club’s charter with the San Diego County Democratic Party, its President is a representative to the SDCDP Central Committee as an Associate Member. If the President is already a Central Committee member or chooses not to serve, a different representative may be selected to serve his or her term according to the provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of this Article. An Associate Member application, for the President or any other representative, must be submitted to the SDCDP within 30 days of his or her selection by the Club.


Club representatives to the CDP and SDCDP and any other official representative, delegate, and alternate from the Club to conferences, caucuses, councils, conventions, and other meetings shall be selected by a vote of the Executive Board.


Club representatives described in this Article, when participating in voting and discussion in that capacity, shall adhere to and represent the Club’s official positions on endorsements and other matters wherever applicable. At the caucus endorsement meetings, the Associate Member must vote the same way the Club voted for a particular candidate. If the Club does not endorse a specific candidate, the Associate Member cannot vote for that candidate.


In the event of the dissolution of Carlsbad Democrats, the Club President or designee shall work with the San Diego County Democratic Party (SDCDP) to archive all records. All funds shall be returned to the creditors first, and then the rest shall be donated to the SDCDP.


These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the eligible voting members present at a duly noticed General Meeting. Notification of the amendment shall be given to all members as stated in Article V, Section 4.

Adopting an amendment or revision to these Bylaws shall become effective immediately unless otherwise stipulated by the amendment or revision.

General Meeting Approved 03/06/2022

General Meeting Approved to add Director of Community Service (9/28/22)

General Meeting Approved for the following amendments (3/27/24):

  • Removed membership fee waiver for elected officials.
  • Imposed a five-day grace period before a member can vote after membership renewal.
  • Dues shall be renewed at the beginning of each year thereafter and no later than January 31. Memberships paid at or after October 1 will remain valid through the following calendar year. Dues can be waived by the Executive Board upon financial waiver.
  • Updated the website for submitting the Club Endorsement Form.
  • Added an Article for the Club Dissolution.